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Name: John Carney


P Number: P13210790





Project Title: Beyond The Gate


Overview: This was a three week environment project we had to model with 80,000 tris and textured using 4 X 1024's with a partially styalised art style. 





Beauty Shots:



Write a reflective paragraph on the project. What went well, what could be improved for next time etc.

In conclusion the project went very well, although at times I ran into issues such as time mangement, and design, I learnt a lot about how to salvadge a project when its going wrong, in this case i focused on making sure the environment looked good for my final screenshots and tried to compose them in interesting ways. What worked well about the project was my foliage, I learnt a lot about how to produce good foliage into the run up for fmp, one of my goals from this project was to use it as a practice for tihngs such as foliage, but also landscapes  and master materials and instances. There were however  a lot of areas for imrpovement, theres a lot of open sparse areas in the enviroment that ruin the illusion. There were also a lack of quality in the final textures, as I had to rush them for a deadline, this is something I'll definitley have to consider in my time management for my final major project.

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